Welcome to Gürsoyshop's Loyalty Program, Gugi Club!
Did you know that every time you shop at Gürsoyshop, you earn even more? With each purchase, you collect points and status scores that can be used for your next shopping experience, allowing you to take full advantage of our loyalty program. The status scores you earn unlock various levels in our program, offering direct discounts at checkout and favorable shipping rates.
As part of your Gugi Club membership, when your scores reach 300 Gugi Points, you’ll achieve Silver Member status, and at 450 Gugi Points, you’ll reach Gold Member status. You can easily track your membership scores in the profile section of your Gürsoyshop account and view the detailed Gugi Points earned after each purchase. With Gugi Club, your shopping experience becomes filled with exclusive benefits!
Gugi Club Membership Levels and Benefits: